Do you want to improve your painting skills?
Pay attention on the following tips. You may benefit a lot from them.
Starting your painting.
- You will never have to again ask, "How do I start a painting?" How to transfer your drawing onto your painting surface and other procedures.
- About proper preparation. Properly preparing your canvas or panel so it will help you to paint better, and help you with your oil painting techniques. This includes one thing you must do or you will never paint with the ease the old masters did.

- When to stop painting and let the paint dry before you continue.
- Learn why painting is harder than drawing and why so many people have such a devil of a time painting well when they can draw well.
- Why medium is so important.
- The difference in acrylic primed and oil primed canvases and how to apply gesso to your raw canvas or panel.
- What is the difference between "new " painting like the impressionists and the "old" painters commonly known as the old masters.
- Lighting your subject - Why 1 source of light? How it makes it easier!
On Thinking differently to improve.
- The steps you should take so you will think differently.
- How to translate everything into a "tone system" you can use to paint everything.
- If you just remember two tips on thinking differently, you have made painting so much easier.
- A 5 stage thinking process to follow.
- Why the big shapes are more important than the details.
- Why painting is similar to building something, like a house.
- How to "see" in the language of paint, learning to think differently.
- Why you must understand what detail really is, it’s not just an eyelash!
- How to paint from a drawing as your model, without the live model.
- What is the maximum amount of time you should paint outdoors and why.
- What is "oiling out" and why is it so important?
- What really is glazing?
Understand Your Oil Painting Supplies and Save Money While Doing it!
You will learn the knowledge of improving your techniques, but…What good is that, if you don’t have great knowledge of your supplies?
Oil Painting is done with many supplies. Some can be very confusing. Many times you will waste money, sometimes $100’s of dollars buying useless supplies. It’s time that you put this money back into YOUR pocket. You’ll get that knowledge as well.
- No more wasting from $50 and up every time you visit your art store.
- Which oil paints are a waste of money. How to walk into an art supply store and not get taken by a salesperson who tries to sell you supplies you do not need.
- What are the minimum amount of art supplies that you need?
- Why learning your supplies is one of the main keys to improving and why the materials decide how your painting will look.
About your brushes
- What are the differences between all the paint-brushes in the art stores.
- What brushes you should never buy.
- Answers to questions like, "What is the best brush to use?"
- When to use bristle brushes and when to use soft hair brushes.
- What is a good starting set of brushes to buy.
- How to properly clean your brushes.
- A great tip on removing old paint from brushes.
- How to use the right brushes to take brush marks out of your painting.
About your palette
- How to make sure your palette isn’t making things harder for you.
- What is the right palette for you?
- What color palette you should use and why this is of the utmost importance!
- Explanations about how I use my palettes to make things easier for me.
About Oil Paint in tubes.
- How to NOT get confused when looking at all the paint tubes in an art supply store?
- Understanding exactly how oil paint is made.
- What is the difference in student grade and artist grade oil paint?
- Why do paints from different companies, with the same names, look like different colors?
- How to make your own oil paint and put it in an empty tube?
About mediums
- How to mix your own medium for the effect you want?
- Example of WHY I use the medium I do!
- What are good pre-mixed mediums that are sold in art supply stores?
- What are the good and bad qualities of the oils, varnishes, etc. that you can buy?
- How to make your own painting varnish?
- What turpentine must be used for, and when can you use an odorless substitute?
- What medium should you use?
About Canvases, panels, etc.
- Why you shouldn’t use the pre-stretched canvas you can buy in the stores and how this is only making it much harder for you?
- How to stretch your own canvas?
- How to make the materials for preparing your canvas or panels?
- Explanations of the painting knives you should have.
- How to steady your hand to paint details?
Become Your Own Best Teacher
Painters have had questions since painting began. Rembrandt, Monet, all of them, had painting problems they had to solve…They did!
Their answers are hanging in the art museums of the world. A museum or gallery will always be your best painting class…If you know what to look for. That is covered here as well.
- What to look for in paintings in the museums.
- Learn to understand how paintings that you see in the museums looked like when the artist began to paint.
- Unusual places to look at paintings to see how they were created.
- What paintings in museums have an entire painting lesson right in front of you!
- How to see more than the average museum visitor sees.
- What is the problem with the conventional way of teaching art?
- Take a fantasy tour of an old masters studio, What would you have seen and learned? How would his studio have worked?
My friends, Hope you have already leart someting from the above article. Thank you for reading.